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Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Quick Admin Template - Wordpress Theme Download

Quick Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates


Update: Starting with v1.4.0, Quick has IE8+ support. Check out the full change log below for all the new cool features. As a reminder, all updates are free to existing buyers.

Quick Admin Template

Quick Admin is a fully responsive HTML template, perfect for anyone looking to start a backend system with a modern interface. Built on top of the popular, sleek & intuitive Bootstrap Framework, Quick Admin will adapt seamlessly to any device screen, offering a solid & uniform browsing experience for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

With built-in support for internationalization and Right-To-Left languages, adding translations is simple as editing a CSV file with OpenOffice or Excel. Released in both HTML and PHP versions, Quick Admin offers a good base for both PHP and NON-PHP implementations.

Having over 60 pages, 20 component categories and hundreds of elements, with easy configurable layout and menu options, predefined skins, unlimited colors and our visual Themer that will allow you to easily switch and customize skins with an advanced level of color customization. Quick Admin can save you hundreds of hours of work and can really speed up your project.


  • Two variations of main styles (Default & FLAT)

  • 100% Built with LESS (very well organized in over 38 LESS files)

  • Unlimited Colors (Themer – change to any color with one click & 20 predefined skins included)

  • 40 JavaScript Plugins & 28 Custom Scripts for the DEMO pages

  • 61+ Pages & 20 Component categories

  • Download package contains over 4000 HTML files for most (not all) of the Layout / Menu & Style Options, plus PHP version


  • Two variations of Home page

  • About us page

  • Contact us page

  • Blog page

  • Pricing page

  • Invoice page (Optimized for Print)

  • Frequently Asked Questions & Contact page

  • Responsive Landing Page

  • Pricing Tables (x2 Styles)

  • TableTools examples for (Dynamic) DataTables (export table to PDF / CSV / etc)

  • Two My Account Variations – Simple & Advanced profile

  • Login & Signup Pages

  • 5 Form Wizard Styles (with JavaScript validation examples)

  • Thumbnails Examples (Grids of images, videos, text and more)

  • Advanced Vertical

  • Photo Gallery

  • 2 Notification Systems (Notyfy & Gritter) with multiple styles & examples

  • Modals (with JavaScript API examples: Alert / Confirm / Prompt / Custom Dialogs)

  • 4 Level Top Menu

  • Infinite scroll component (AJAX auto-loading)

  • List widgets

  • Alerts / Labels / Badges / Pagination

  • Charts (Flot charts & easy-pie)

  • FullCalendar & Mini Calendars


  • Custom Typeahead (Auto-suggest) Search

  • Sticky Sidebar

  • Sticky Top Menu

  • 12 Column Fluid Grid with examples

  • 2 Accordion Styles

  • Timeline Widgets

  • Twitter Feed

  • Collapsible Widgets

  • Nice Scrollable Widgets

  • Two Carousels Styles (Component for cycling through elements)

  • Media Widgets (multi-level thumbnails + text)

  • Chat widget

  • Activity widget

  • Messages widget

  • Stats widgets

  • Bookings & Finances example pages

  • Blank Page – easy to start your project from

  • 8 Tabs styles

  • holder.js for Image Placeholders

  • 420+ Glyphicons PRO ($59 value)

  • JQueryUI Custom Sliders & Range Sliders

  • Error Page

  • Vector Maps & Google Maps

  • Page Tour Component

  • Developer Friendly Markup – Well Commented

  • Bootstrap Framework 2.3.2


Version 1.4.0 – 05/07/2013

  • Added: IE8 support

  • Added: Easy-Pie chart widgets on dashboard

  • Added: Sparklines chart widgets on dashboard

  • Added: Custom Designed On/Off Toggle Buttons (UI elements)

  • Added: New Section

  • Added: build.php – PHP tool for generating the HTML package (user request)

  • Fixed: Image Gallery modals issues

  • Fixed: Gritter Notification component zIndex issue when having a Sticky Top Menu

  • Fixed: IE10 logout button icon in sticky fully featured top menu

  • Fixed: IE8/IE9 widget headers

  • Fixed: IE8/IE9 dropdown items in fully featured top menu

  • Fixed: IE8/IE9 dropdown items in fully featured sidebar menu

  • Fixed: IE8 Flot Charts background

  • Fixed: Advanced Select component zIndex fix inside modals

  • Fixed: Page Tour component with sticky sidebars scroll and zIndex issues

  • Fixed: Themer Front module

Version 1.3.3 – 27/06/2013

  • Added: New Shop Catalog page

  • Added: New Shop Product page

  • Added: New Shopping Cart page

  • Added: New Manage Products page

  • Added: New Edit Product page

  • Added: New Shop Orders Timeline page

  • Added: New Sidebars & Top Menus Styles (Fully featured wide sidebars with 4-level submenus & Quick access-top menu bar)

  • Enhanced: Color Adjustments for 11 Skins (Alizarin Crimson, Amazon, Amber, Android Green, Antique Bronze, Atomic Tangerine, Bistre Brown, Bittersweet, Blueberry, Bud Green, Burnt Sienna)

  • Fixed: Multiple Tablet resolutions (Portrait-to-Desktop) fixes for Admin Dashboard & the entire Front module

  • The template now includes over 60 unique HTML pages and 46 configurable layout & menu options (Left or Right Sidebar and Top menu, Disable or Enable Sidebars, Multiple Sidebar & Top menu Styles, Boxed & Fluid layouts, etc). e.g:

    • 42+ MORE LAYOUT & MENU OPTIONS in the Download package!

Version 1.3.2 – 21/06/2013

  • Added: Fixed Home page with Premium Slider Revolution

  • Added: Full Width Home page with Premium Slider Revolution

  • Added: Blog Posts page with Timeline

  • Added: 14 NEW SKINS (Themer Live Preview and CSS & LESS files)

  • Fixed: Blue lines appearing between top 1st level menu items when in responsive mode and using a skin

Version 1.3.1 – 20/06/2013

  • Added: Typography page (Collection of elements for content & utilities)

  • Added: Saving any HTML to PDF functionality – PHP (Invoice page demo)

  • Added: Example of datetimepicker component used only as date picker (Form elements)

  • Added: Time Picker component (Form elements)

  • Added: Example of Multi-select in Columns plugin with custom header & footer (Form elements)

  • Added: DataTables with first & last pagination buttons example

  • Added: DataTables with Show/Hide columns example

  • Added: Responsive Tables – JavaScript & CSS-only versions (Tables for Desktop, Tablet & Mobile with Unlimited Columns, Expandable Rows & Horizontal scrolling)

  • Fixed: Tabs from Icons responsive CSS bug

  • Fixed: RTL writing mode CSS bugs (top submenus, tabs & some other elements)

Version 1.3 – 17/06/2013

  • Added: Google Analytics API implementation (retrieve website data from Google Analytics account via PHP and create functional charts & reports)

  • Added: Twitter OAuth 1.1 API implementation (retrieve user timeline via PHP, output timeline to HTML Widgets via AJAX & create a Pinterest style Twitter timeline grid via Grid-A-Licious)

  • Added: Font Awesome Icon Set (361 High Quality Font Icons)

  • Added: Search Results (Article search, Advanced filters search, Media search, Users search)

  • Added: Ratings Page (Rankings Widgets & Tables)

  • Added: Pinterest Photo Gallery Layout

  • Added: Video Support (link to Vimeo & YouTube with Lightbox playback)

  • Added: Modal Event example & code sample (loading modal content with AJAX on open)

  • Added: RTL Support

  • Added: Easy configurable options for removing the sibebar menu & toggle RTL writing mode

  • Added: Masked Inputs component (Dates, Numbers & Decimals, Phone numbers, SSN, VAT, etc)

  • Added: Multiselect (Two-Column) component

  • Added: Image Cropping component

  • Fixed: Print Bug in Safari

  • Updated: Bootstrap Framework to v2.3.2

  • Updated: JQuery to v1.10.1 (CDN)

Version 1.2 – 14/06/2013

  • Added: New Home page (two versions)

  • Added: New About us page

  • Added: New Blog page

  • Added: New Pricing page

  • Added: New Contact us page

  • Added: New Login page

  • Added: New Sign up page

  • Added: New Error page

  • Update: PHP version now supports modules and contains separate ADMIN & FRONT modules

  • Update: The HTML download package was also organized in modules (admin: the main product, front: bonuses & the documentation)

  • Fixed: Infinite scrolling component (small JavaScript fix)

Version 1.1 – 13/06/2013

  • Added: Sidebar takes browser window full-height on large displays (only in fluid layout)

  • Added: Sticky Sidebar (remains fixed & visible all times when scrolling up/down – only in fluid layout)

  • Added: Footer sticks at bottom on short content pages (or large displays)

  • Added: Sticky Top Menu (remains fixed & visible all times at top of the window when scrolling content up/down – only in fluid layout)

  • Added: Configurable options for top menu & sidebar stickiness – both sticky and NON-sticky options (PHP only)

  • Added: Typeahead (Auto-suggest) Search in top menu with custom dropdown

  • Added: 4 Level Top Menu Example (see components)

  • Added: Infinite scroll component with AJAX auto-loaded content on scroll (working DEMO in PHP version only)

  • Updated: Cleaned-up some markup in the header and small CSS improvements & fixes

Version 1.0 – 12/06/2013

  • Initial release


  • Twitter Bootstrap –

  • JQuery –

  • Twitter Feed –

  • less.js –

  • easy-pie – – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL

  • DataTables – – Dual licensed GPLv2 & BSD

  • holder.js – – Apache 2.0 License

  • jVectorMap –

  • Dropzone – – MIT License

  • jquery-ui-map – – MIT License

  • Farbtastic – – (GPL Licensed)

  • FullCalendar – – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses

  • google-code-prettify –

  • jQuery Sparkline – – BSD License

  • Gritter – – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses

  • notyfy – – Licensed under the MIT license

  • jQuery MouseWheel – – MIT License

  • jQuery SlimScroll – – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL

  • Tracelytics PageGuide – – MIT license

  • json2 – – Public Domain

  • ExplorerCanvas – – Apache License

  • jQRangeSlider – – Dual license GPL v3 and MIT

  • select2 – – GPL License

  • bootstrap-datetimepicker – – Apache License

  • bootstrap-image-gallery – – MIT license

  • twitter-bootstrap-wizard – – MIT and GPL licenses

  • Google Web Fonts –

  • jQuery MiniColors – – Dual-licensed under the MIT and GPL Version 2 licenses

  • jQuery UI –

  • jQuery UI Touch Punch – – dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses

  • jQuery Validation – – Licensed under the MIT license

  • Pixelmatrix Uniform – – MIT License

  • Plupload – – GPLv2 licensed

  • jQuery.ba-resize – – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses

  • jQuery Cookie – – Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses

  • jQuery Masonry – – Licensed under the MIT license

  • Modernizr – – MIT & BSD

  • Flot Charts –

  • Jasny Bootstrap –

  • Boostrap WYSIHTML5 –

  • Bootstrap Bootbox –

  • Zend Framework –

Flickr Photos

With most respect to the authors, the following photos were used for Quick’s photo gallery as demo content. All images are licensed under

PhotoDune Items

With most respect to the authors, the following item covers were used for the live preview, as demo content. NOT included in the download package.


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 17.10

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